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Ο μπαμπάς μου,ο φίλος του πατέρα μου - Comme Les Autres
Σκηνοθεσία: Vincent Gareng (Γαλλία, 2008)

Ο Φιλίπ κι ο Εμανουέλ είναι χρόνια ζευγάρι, αλλά χωρίζουν όταν ο δεύτερος επιμένει να αποκτήσουν παιδί. Η, αρχικά τυχαία, συνάντηση του Εμανουέλ με την Φίνα φαίνεται πως θα κάνει πραγματικότητα την επιθυμία του, αλλά καθώς υπάρχει πάντα ο αστάθμητος παράγων τα πράγματα δεν εξελίσσονται κατ’ ευχήν. Εμπνευσμένος από ένα θέμα που γίνεται ολοένα και πιό επίκαιρο ο Βανσάν Γκαρέν διαχειρίζεται με ευκολία τις λεπτές ισορροπίες ανάμεσα στην κομεντί και το δράμα, ανάμεσα στο ανθρώπινο και το γελοίο και μας προσφέρει μία ταινία γεμάτη συναισθήματα που ουδέποτε ξεπέφτει στα όρια της γραφικότητας.

ΝΥΧΤΕΣ ΠΡΕΜΙΕΡΑΣ, κινηματογράφος ΔΑΝΑΟΣ, 28/9, 18.00

1 σχόλιο:

erva_cidreira είπε...

Emmanuel and Philippe are living together. They've been a couple for awhile now, and Emmanuel wants to have a baby. Philippe thinks having a baby is to stop living and he still wants to be "young", so he refuses. In spite of their disagreement, Emmanuel chooses to have this baby and starts working for it without telling to Philippe. He asks him to leave the house for 2 days so that the social worker can come and see that Emmanuel is a nice straight guy who wants to adopt a child. Philippe doesn't appreciate it (who would?), they break up. Emmanuel is very sad and tries to stay in "contact" with Philippe who found other... contacts. "Whatever!" Emmanuel said, he still wants to have this child ! So just before the social worker arrives at his place, he takes off all the pictures of Philippe, hides his gay magazines, his discs of Dalida... He sees flowers on the table and doesn't know whether to throw them away... I liked this part because it makes fun of our common clichés. The guys doesn't live in a "gay world" according to "gay codes" so he tries to see how straight people picture gay people. So he finally throws away the flower thinking people could think it could be gay.
Finally the social worker manages to see a picture of Emmanuel & Philippe kissing. Emmanuel calls a woman he had an accident with while he was with Philippe. She's an illegal immigrant from Argentina. He invites her to dinner, she thinks it's a date, he asks her to be the mother of his child (and they'd get married in return), she refuses.
So Emmanuel decides to find a lesbian couple to have a child. He doesn't find anybody to trust. I found this passage quite entertaining. Different stereotypes of lesbian couples succeed each other in a funny way.
Finally Fina accepts, then we learn Emmanuel is sterile. Now do you know what he does? He asks Philippe to give sperm. Philippe refuses, and finally accepts too. Fina falls in love with Emmanuel, Emmanuel gets married with Fina, and Emmanuel and Philippe go back together. So Fina wants to abort, because the only reason she accepted to be the mother is that she was in love with Emmanuel and that he was single. In the end, she doesn't abort, she gives the baby to the couple, and goes away from their lives. But they don't want her too.

Ok, so like this, the story seems unlikely. Somehow it is, but in the end it pictures all the trouble gay couples have to go through to have a child. And this is a comedy so it's not surprising that the story is crazy.
BUT I want to say that although I've read somewhere that gay people wouldn't like this film, I enjoyed it. I was in the story and I laughed and almost cried (both could happen in 30 seconds) a lot. As a lesbian I didn't find all the succession of (stereo)typical lesbian couples offending. It's like a lesbian girl had said "write this passage". I mean if I wanted to joke a bit about "us" I'd do what he did.
And in the end we see the perfectly untypical lesbian couple (In one scene, you see Emmanuel & Philippe with this lesbian couple, and if you have a heteronormative mind you could easily make two PERFECT stereotypical heterosexual couples of them)
What I also found interesting is that the writer chose a conventional couple in the heterosexual way. They're absolutely not different from a classical (I'd say stereotypical too) heterosexual couple ! Actually Philippe thinks gay people shouldn't have children. I don't agree with him but I was happy to see in a movie a character like this. I assumed everybody thought gay people all had the same view about children, and now I know that some know it's not true. But the movie isn't about homosexuality, it's about homosexuals who try to have a baby.

Also, something personal: when I saw how Emmanuel was with kids, I knew I would become like him in fifteen years. It totally scared me. Actually it confronted me to the fact I'm single and don't imagine myself with anyone in the future (not because I don't want to, but because I don't find anyone I would want to be with) and even least with a kid, although I already dream of it. It might annoy some gay people that I want to follow our society's rule, but I can't help it, and it's not really about fitting in. I'm not into marriage and all that stuff, but I want to build a family one day, and this film is about it. I spent the night thinking about it. And whoever you are, I'm sure it would keep you thinking at least a few minutes.

As our hero would say, EXCELSIOR!
