"People who are against gay marriage do not understand the very freedoms that they themselves are enjoying. What if someone said, ‘Sorry, no Christianity here? No Judaism. Certainly no Mormons.’ No one would stand for that, and I wouldn’t allow anyone to say that either. I’d fight them in the same way." — Brad Pitt, speaking to W
"People who are against gay marriage do not understand the very freedoms that they themselves are enjoying. What if someone said, ‘Sorry, no Christianity here? No Judaism. Certainly no Mormons.’ No one would stand for that, and I wouldn’t allow anyone to say that either. I’d fight them in the same way." — Brad Pitt, speaking to W
3 σχόλια:
Αυτό το παιδί δεν παύει να με εκπλήσσει (λίαν ευχάριστα)… Εύχομαι να μην χάσει ποτέ την σπιρτάδα του.
Χαχαχα... κοίτα να δεις τί σκαρφίζονται σήμερα οι άντρες για να γλιτώσουν το γάμο....
jo, yo quiero que me adopten brad y angelina...
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