Los Angeles Times“It’s a drastic step to strip people of rights.”
The San Diego Union Tribune“Prop 8…[singles] out a particular group for discrimination, a move that offends many Californians’ sense of fairness.”
Orange County Register “Revoking same-sex couples’ right to marry doesn’t belong in the state constitution. We recommend a “no” vote on Prop 8.”
The Riverside Press-Enterprise“There is no compelling public policy reason to reverse that arrangement, and voters should say no to Prop. 8.”
Contra Costa Times “Reject Proposition 8. We strongly urge voters to carefully consider the harm Prop. 8 would do not just to gays, but to all Californians, and reject the initiative.”
The Sacramento Bee“Californians should reject the call to amend the state constitution to exclude some people from marriage. That would be a black mark on the constitution, just as past exclusionary acts remain a stain on California’s history.”
The San Francisco Chronicle“Californians should reject Proposition 8.”
The Napa Valley Register“Vote no on Proposition 8. In our view, Proposition 8 is a misguided and unconstitutional proposal. We urge voters to reject Proposition 8.”
The San Jose Mercury NewsMercury News recommendations: “Proposition 8 — End right to gay marriage: No”
The Palm Springs Desert Sun“Reject the rejection of same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage does not diminish marriage between a man and a woman. It’s a basic civil right that everyone – regardless of gender – should have. The time has come. Therefore, we oppose Proposition 8.”
The New York Times“California voters will have a chance in November to protect the rights of gay men and women, and to preserve the state’s Constitution. They should vote against Proposition 8, which seeks to amend that Constitution to prevent people of the same sex from marrying.”
Redding-Record Searchlight“Same-sex vows cause no harm to our families. The reasons given for Proposition 8 just don’t stand up to scrutiny.”
La Prensa San Diego“We believe that if two people are in love and they want to get married, we as a State should not legislate against the happiness of these people. We Urge a No Vote on Prop. 8.”
Ventura County Star“Editorial: Proposition 8 denies rights. ‘No’ vote stands for fairness.”
The Tracy Press“We don’t like taking away civil rights, which is why we recommend a no vote on Proposition 8.”
Santa Cruz Sentinel“Even people with reservations about same-sex marriage should consider the import of voting against a legal right. We support the right under California law for gays and lesbians to marry. Vote no on Proposition 8.”
The San Francisco Bay Guardian“Proposition 8: Ban on same-sex marriage.NO, NO, NO”
The San Gabriel Valley Tribune“Vote ‘no’ on Prop. 8.”
La Opinión“Una propuesta innecesaria. Estamos con el NO a la Proposición 8.”
Daily Iowan“California should vote No. Denying the rights of same-sex couples to marry is ultimately denying that they are people who are worthy of the same dignity and respect as everyone else.”
LA Daily News“Reject Proposition 8. California is better than that.”
Santa Rosa Press Democrat“Marriage is a fundamental right that belongs to same-sex couples just as it belongs to opposite-sex couples. The Press Democrat recommends a no vote on Proposition 8.”
The Bakersfield Californian“Californians need to move beyond the divisiveness that Prop. 8 has engendered and embrace tolerance and reconciliation. Live and let live.”
The Daily BruinIt is contradictory and hypocritical to stand as an American and talk about the foundation of equality, tolerance and fairness of the nation, and then to turn our backs on other citizens who are equally entitled.
AsianWeek EndorsementsOur California Constitution guarantees the same freedoms and rights to everyone—no one group should be singled out or treated differently.
LA Downtown NewsGays and lesbians deserve the same right to marriage that the rest of Californians enjoy. Vote no on Proposition 8.
The Fresno BeeThe state constitution shouldn’t be used to turn some people into second-class citizens. Vote “no” on Proposition 8.
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