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Μια είδηση ειδικά για τους φανατικούς των 70s:
Η πολυσυζητημένη τραγουδίστρια, ηθοποιός, μοντέλο, τηλεπαρουσιάστρια και μούσα του Dalí Amanda Lear επέστρεψε, και μάλιστα αυτή τη φορά ως ζωγράφος!
Εκθέτει τους πιο πρόσφατους πίνακες της στο Palacio Pignatelli του Real Círculo Artístico στην καρδιά της Βαρκελώνης.
Καθημερινά, ολόκληρο τον Ιανουάριο.

2 σχόλια:

xomeritis είπε...

Τελικά ήταν διαφυλική ή το έκανε για δημοσιότητα; - έχω κενό μνήμης.

erva_cidreira είπε...

Αντιγράφω από την Wikipedia:

Despite modelling nude for Playboy Magazine in 1977 and Amanda saying "and they could see I was a woman like everybody else", she was and still is widely rumoured to be either a transsexual or an intersexual because of her height (5ft 9.25 /176 cm), her masculine facial features and, most of all, her exceptionally low baritone-like vocal timbre. The fact that Lear is a naturally-born man is today considered an open secret in Continental Europe although Amanda has since the early 1980s insisted that these rumours are the result of a planned succès de scandale, a clever publicity stunt thought up by herself and Salvador Dalí to get her career in music started, just like her contradictory statements about her childhood. " - Everything Dali said, I just listened to. He was the genius, who was I? When it came to launching my career, he told me I was a lousy singer and if I wanted to sell records, I'd have to find something other than the music to attract people to buy them. So we built the Amanda Lear persona into something very intriguing and very ambiguous and it worked."
However, Britain's first publicly confessed transsexual April Ashley has since gone on record in her autobiography April Ashley's Odyssey to say that she worked with Amanda in legendary Parisian drag show Carrousel Club in the late 1950's. According to Ashley, Lear was then a man in his early twenties, called Alain Tapp, performing in drag shows using the stage name Peki d'Oslo and a regular member of the Carrousel ensemble as they toured Germany, Scandinavia, Italy and South America. This early alter ego could in fact be a reference to her Eurasian origin; Oslo/Peking.

These claims were later confirmed by famous German transsexual singer, actress and nightclub owner Romy Haag in her 1999 autobiography Eine Frau Und Mehr (translated as A Woman And Then Some). Just like Ashley, Haag describes that she first met Lear under the name Peki d'Oslo at the Carrousel and that the two also worked together at Romy's famous nightclub Chez Romy Haag in Berlin, in the early seventies.

In March 2007, renowned British music manager Simon Napier-Bell (Dusty Springfield, The Yardbirds, Marc Bolan, Japan, Wham!) was the next eyewitness to come forward, saying that "...my publishers sent me off to Paris to make a record with Amanda Lear, someone I’d known years before as a young Asian-looking guy called Peki who hung out in the Gigolo, a gay bar in London in the 60' s. Now that Peki had become Amanda, I wasn't interested anymore, but other people were - Amanda's new companion was Salvador Dali."

April Ashley claimed that Alain Tapp, also known as Peki D'Oslo, had already changed her stage name to Amanda when she persuaded an elderly Scottish gentleman to marry her for 50 pounds in order for her to obtain British citizenship, the gentleman in question just happened to be called Mr. Lear.[citation needed] Ashley also insists that Lear and Dalì met long before 1965, probably in 1958 or 1959 while Lear was still working at the Carrousel as a female impersonator. Some sources go even further, saying that Lear was Dalì's greatest - or possibly the most bizarre - artistic creation of his whole career, suggesting that he was the one who paid for a sex reassignment that was to have taken place in Casablanca, Morocco in 1963. (see Georges Burou)

However it should be added that Dali, David Bowie and April Ashley have stated that Amanda is transsexual and rumors of her transsexuality predates her meeting with Dali. She appears to have attempted to go into stealth mode after moving to London and finding her career hampered by her past.