I have had long-term relationships with both men and women. That’s all I’ll say on this topic. I’m not bisexual, I’m gay. Definitely gay. I like women, but generally I am more attracted to men. But I have had great relationships with women. Incidentally, I find sex with a woman to be more natural than with a man… Obviously, our bodies – male and female – were originally created to suit one another. Physically we were created to be with women. In[A Single Man] there is a scene where two men are lying together and one asks: “Why are you with me?” – “Because I’m in love with you.” And here I am in love with a man. That doesn’t mean that I find women unattractive.

When you find someone perfect, you can’t let go… I believe that when you find someone who is truly good, you can not just let them go. For example, I can’t imagine that, say, after three years of living with Richard, I would suddenly decided to be with someone else. Even if something was to happen, you need to work through it. Because, Richard – he is my family. I think we are happier than ever. Do we have lots of sex? No. Do we get to spend a large amount of fun times together? No. But that’s okay. Because we have something more profound.
1 σχόλιο:
Obviously,you're an idiot.
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