dutchnews.nl, 24/1/2011
This year’s Bob Angelo award for people who campaign for gay, bi-sexual and transsexual rights has been given to photographer Erwin Olaf and the Amsterdam police force.
Gay rights lobby group COC recognised Olaf for his campaign against anti-gay violence and the police organisation Roze in Blauw (pink in blue) for making it easier for people to report gay-bashing incidents.
Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf was awarded the Bob Angelo medal, an annual award for special contributions to LGBT emancipation. His passionate plea to put a stop to racism and homophobia on the Dutch television show ‘Zomergasten’ and organizing The Black Party, a fundraiser for Tolerance United, led the Dutch LGBT organization COC to award him the medal.
Erwin Olaf is a long time advocate for tolerance and an internationally acclaimed photographer. We congratulate him with this award and are grateful for his support of Pride Photo Award. Let’s make this world a better place. (pridephotoaward.org)
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