

California to recognize some out-of-state gay marriages
(Sacramento Business Journal, 12/10/2009)
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed legislation that recognizes same-sex marriages legally performed in other states during the five-month window when they were legal in California.
Senate Bill 54 by Democratic Sen. Mark Leno from San Francisco resolves uncertainty about how California will treat same-sex couples who married out of state from mid-June — when the California Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal — to Nov. 5, 2008, when voters approved Proposition 8.
The bill requires California to recognize all same-sex marriages performed in states where gay marriage is legal, but does not recognize those performed outside the window as “marriage.” These couples will have the same rights and responsibilities as couples who are married, with the sole exception of using the legal designation, “marriage.”
“As required by Proposition 8, California will not recognize such couples as ‘married,’” Schwarzenegger said in his bill-signing statement. “In short, this measure honors the will of the people in enacting Proposition 8 while providing important protections to those unions legally entered into in other states.”
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Hillary Clinton and Yuri Luzhkov to Pay Tribute to Gay US Poet in Moscow
MOSCOW, October 12, 2009 (GayRussia) – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is due to inaugurate a monument to the gay American poet Walt Whitman in Moscow on Wednesday during her short European tour, GayRussia learned today.
And the ceremony is due to be presided over by the Mayor of Moscow, the openly homophobic Yuri Luzhkov, who has banned every attempt to stage a Pride parade in the Russian capital.
Mr Luzhkov, who has called gay pride a “satanic gathering” and gay people “weapons of mass destruction” , was accused last week of trying to shut down Moscow’s oldest and most popular gay club, Club Chance. The club is due to close by November 15.
The monument to Walt Whitman, an author forever linked to gay culture and its history will be located in the gardens of the Moscow State University, where last May the Mayor ordered the arrest of 32 gay and lesbian activists from Russia and Belarus who were attempting to stage a Slavic Gay Pride.
Among the people arrested were also British human rights activist Peter Tatchell from Outrage! in London and Andy Thayer from Gay Liberation Network in Chicago.
Mr Luzhkov was accused last week of trying to shut down Moscow’s oldest and most popular gay club. The Club is due to close by November 15.
“Hillary Clinton will have a good chance to publicly express her position on gay rights to one of the top homophobic politicians in Europe,” said Nikolai Alekseev, the chief organiser of Moscow Gay Pride.
“I think that no one would understand her silence on the breach of fundamental rights of LGBT people in Russia, the day she inaugurates the monument to a gay poet together with the homophobic Mayor of Moscow,” added Mr Alekseev.
Hillary Clinton is a strong advocate of human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Speaking last June at the beginning of Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, she said: “I will advance a comprehensive human rights agenda that includes the elimination of violence and discrimination against people based on sexual orientation or gender identity.”
■ Tomorrow, Russian gay activists will be holding a press conference in Moscow about the threatened closure of Club Chance. A number of prominent musicians and singers are expected to attend and “come out” against homophobia.
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Statut du beau-parent: le rapport efface toute référence aux familles homoparentales
(tetu, 7-10-2009)
Le rapport de l'UMP Jean Leonetti est remis aujourd'hui au Premier ministre. Commandé pour apaiser le dossier brûlant mis sur la table par Nadine Morano, il efface toute référence aux enfants élevés par des parents gays ou lesbiennes.
Chargé «d'apaiser les esprits» échauffés par l'avant-projet de loi sur le statut des tiers en mars 2009, le député UMP Jean Leonetti a procédé à un toilettage radical du texte, en le dépouillant de toute référence aux familles homoparentales. Le rapport remis au Premier ministre ce mercredi 7 octobre 2009 ne fait que confirmer les propos que le député avait tenu lors de sa nomination (lire notre article), quand il parlait d'«éliminer ce sujet inutilement polémique» qui «brouille» l'objectif visé, «l'intérêt de l'enfant dans les familles recomposées».
Voilà donc qui est fait. «Il n'y a pas à faire de discrimination sur l'orientation sexuelle. Un tiers est celui qui vit avec le parent, sous le même toit. Rien n'interdit qu'il soit homosexuel mais il n'y a nul besoin de le préciser. Pourquoi faire semblant de vouloir accorder des droits nouveaux?» déclare le député dans un entretien au Figaro de ce jour. On ne saurait être plus clair…
«La réalité est niée»
Exit également, la possibilité de maintenir un lien entre l'enfant et le tiers après une séparation. Le statut du beau-parent, tel qu'il se profile dans le rapport de Leonetti, ressemble bien à une coquille vide.
L'Association des parents gays et lesbiens (APGL) dénonce «un rapport qui vide de son sens le projet de loi élaboré par Nadine Morano, secrétaire d'Etat chargée de la Famille» (lire notre article). «C'est la réalité sociétale de la famille homoparentale qui est niée (…) alors que le projet de loi initial la prenait en compte sans pour autant lui accorder de droits spécifiques», regrette l'association dans un communiqué de presse publié aujourd'hui.

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