We Are Dad (directed by Michel Horvat 2005 USA 68 min video)
It’s difficult to imagine more exemplary parents than Floridians Steven Lofton and Roger Croteau. Back in the 80s, these two pediatric AIDS nurses took in four African American infants with HIV whom nobody wanted, and fostered them as their own. The disease claimed Ginger, but Frank, Tracy, and Bert beat long odds, thriving thanks to their dads’ discipline, stability, and up-to-the-minute medical knowledge.
This portrait of a loving family is filled with heartwarming, inspirational anecdotes. Alas, fate tossed the family a curve: Bert tested negative when he was three, and the state reclassified the healthy boy as adoptable. When Steven declined to answer questions about his sexuality on his application, Florida — the only state with a blanket ban on gay adoption — disqualified him.
Any objective viewer can see what’s best for Bert. However, the state of Florida, and the conservatives who opine against gay adoption, have another agenda. The irrationality and bigotry of their arguments isn’t infuriating so much as ridiculous, given what we see of the Lofton-Croteau household. At heart, this endearing film is a vote of confidence that enlightened humanity ultimately will trump half-baked ideology and medieval social policy.
The case of Lofton v. State of Florida, challenging Florida’s ban on adoption by gay couples, went all the way to the Supreme Court, which in January refused to hear the case and let the Florida law stand.
by Michael Fox
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Φοβερό άρθρο, Erva!
Αυτό να το διαβάσουν όλοι αυτοί που κόπτονται για τα "δικαιώματα των παιδιών". Υποκριτές.
Κρίμα... Όπως λέει και μια φίλη "σε 50 χρόνια κανένας δεν θα κρίνει έτσι τους ανθρώπους". Μέχρι τότε όμως τι γίνεται? Για να μην έρθουμε στα δικά μας για μια ακόμα φορά...
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