

Questionnaire for young LGBT Europeans

06/01/2006 ILGA-Europe and IGLYO are asking young LGBT people in Europe to take part in our survey for a comprehensive report on the Social Exclusion of LGBT Youth in Europe that is planned to be presented at a hearing of the European Parliament in 2006.
The report will include case studies collected from European countries, reflecting real life experiences of European LGBT youth in relation to social exclusion.
We need your contribution: send us your own report on your experiences of social exclusion. If you have or have had any of the experiences listed in the questions below, tell us about what happened in your answer. Please, tell us how these experiences affected you, how you felt, how you reacted to the given situations, what actions you have taken, and/or what actions you feel you should have taken at the time.
We need your contribution: send us your own report on your experiences of social exclusion. If you have or have had any of the experiences listed in the questions below, tell us about what happened in your answer. Please, tell us how these experiences affected you, how you felt, how you reacted to the given situations, what actions you have taken, and/or what actions you feel you should have taken at the time.
1) Have you ever experienced prejudice or discrimination targeting you as an L/G/B/T person in your family?
2) Have you ever experienced prejudice or discrimination targeting you as an L/G/B/T person in the close circle of your friends?
3) Have you ever experienced prejudice or discrimination targeting you as an L/G/B/T person in your religious community?
4) Have you ever experienced prejudice or discrimination targeting you as an L/G/B/T person in any community you belong to?
5) Have you ever experienced prejudice or discrimination targeting you as an L/G/B/T person in school (from teachers, headmasters, pupils or other professionals)?
6) Have you ever found anything in the media products of your country that expressed prejudice or discriminative elements targeting LGBT people?
7) Have you ever found anything in your school curriculum that expressed prejudice or discriminative elements targeting LGBT people?
8) Have you ever experienced bullying or other forms of violence (verbal and/or physical) in school because of you being an L/G/B/T person?
9) What do you consider the most important cause of social exclusion of LGBT youth in your country?
10) Do you know of any positive developments concerning the fair treatment of young LGBT people from your own country that can – in your view – serve as a positive example for other countries?
Include your age, gender, nationality, (ethnicity, and/or religious denomination, if relevant) and an assumed name we can use in the report.
Name of the organisation:
Country (where it functions):
I. What do you consider the most important cause(s) and most typical form(s) of social exclusion of LGBT youth in your county?)
II. Has your organisation collected any (research, campaign, etc.) material on the specific problems of LGBT youth in your country? If so, please, specify exactly what kind of material you have and how it could be accessed.
Please, send us your answer(s) to the following e-mail address by January 31, 2006:

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