

Joe Dallesandro was born on New Years Eve of 1948 in Penascola, Florida. His father was an Italian American sailor and his mother was 16 year old Thelma Testman. Thelma was fourteen years old when she married Joe's father.One year after Joe was born, she gave birth to his brother Robert (Bob) who would later work briefly as Warhol's chauffeur and would also appear in Trash with his brother.
Thelma was arrested for interstate auto theft when her children were still young and she was sentenced to five years in a Federal penitentiary. Joe's father (Joe Sr.) divorced Thelma and took the boys to New York with him where he worked as an electrical engineer. Both Joe and his brother were eventually placed into the Angel Guardian Home in Harlem prior to being fostered by a couple in Brooklyn. Joe's dad would visit them about once a month at their foster parents' home. Joe attended a Catholic school until the second grade and then moved with his foster family to Long Island. Joe and his brother Bob lived with the family until they ran away and were removed from the family by social services.
Joe eventually wound up living with his father at the age of fourteen at his grandparents' house in Queens. He was expelled from school when he punched the school principal in the nose after the principal blamed his father for Joe's bad behaviour at school. Joe spent much of his youth stealing cars. He got into trouble with the police when he crashed through the gate in the Holland Tunnel to avoid paying the toll while driving a stolen vehicle. During the police chase that ensued, Joe was wounded by one of the officer's guns. When he went to a hospital with his wounds, he was arrested by the police. He was sentenced to the Camp Cass Rehabilitation Center for Boys in the Catskills for four months, but escaped prior to serving his full term. He was issued a warning that if he got into any more trouble before he turned 21, he would have to serve his remaining sentence in addition to any other time he got for the new sentence.
1964. Joe and a friend named Stanley ended up going to Mexico (Ciudad Juarez) with money Joe stole from the safe of an RKO theatre in Brooklyn managed by a gay friend. In Mexico, Joe Dallesandro worked as a busboy and dishwasher in exchange for breakfast, lunch and cigarettes.
1965. Joe and his and friend Stanley hitchhiked from Mexico to L.A. At the bus station in Los Angeles, Joe was approached by a man who asked Joe if he would like to do some modeling. During the three months he was in L.A. Joe modeled nude for muscle mail-order skin magazines and also worked at a pizza parlor as a dishwasher. When Joe was arrested for assault after a fight, the court bought him a ticket to New York to return to his father. He ended up getting a “crummy little apartment” on 10th Street and hanging out with the “denizens of Times Square, experimenting with drugs,” and at one point worked at a pizza parlor in Queens. His dream was to own his own pizza parlour.
1967. Warhol met Joe when Joe wandered by mistake into the apartment in the Village where Paul Morrissey and Andy were shooting a reel for THE LOVES OF ONDINE. They asked him to be in the film. Joe was working as a cutter in a bookbindery. He eventually ended up appearing in more Warhol films, although not a keen fan of Andy’s art, saying about it: “It’s worth something to somebody who thinks it’s worth something.” (warholstars.org)

2 σχόλια:

Unknown είπε...

Una estrella fugaz con una estela inmensa.

erva_cidreira είπε...

Así es.
No podría resumirlo de manera más exacta y concisa. :)