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Gay Albanians- Are we ever going to come out of the closet??
Albanian in Melbourne (Αυστραλία):
There is such a stigma associated with the term Gay Albanian. As an Albanian I'm proud, as a gay man in my mid-20's I stand strong. Homophobia is so rife in our culture, but I ask all you Albanians that view homosexuality as a choice, one question? Why would any one from such a strigent conservative culture, choose to be gay and defy the fibre of their cultural heritage and risk segrgation from family, friends and community? It doeasn't make sense. The answere is,, that there is no choice. A person is born gay. As Albanians we must accept that our culture is not immune to homosexuality. As a gay Albanian in Melbourne, I've only met a handful of gay albanians. When are we going to feel comfortable enough to come out of the closet?
Jawbreaker (Γαλλία):
Freedom to the gay Albanians!
Të kalli Hasan kafpeja
Të mos banish Bajrám,
Se kështu qen’ka bes’e feja.
Nuri yt, o Suleiman!
Bukurinë t’a dha Zot yn,
Mos uban makrur.
Tyj, o cun, të puthça syt’,
E t’udjeksha nur.
Hasan, you slanderous whore
Who won’t celebrate Bairam,
For thus they were from honor and faith.
Your radiance, O Suleiman!
Your beauty was given you by our Lord,
Be not so proud.
O that I may kiss your eyes, boy,
And burn up in your radiance.)
Dikush (Ην. Βασίλειο):
O Albnians, DO NOT WRITE to him in Australia or any one else as they are not Albanian (he has not written one word of albnian, he is Serb/greek of Australia's) They want to stir trouble amonst Albanians. What is he doing discussing those issues here, when there are alot of websites for them. DO not respond or write to him!
Albanian in Melbourne (Αυστραλία):
thanks to all my new Albanian boys that have got in contact with me through this forum and sent me emails! Our stories are one and the same, but if we stand united we will make a difference, we already are. Bashkimi ashte me kruesore! To Dikush, you say that there are other websites for gay albanians, where?? Please tell me! Such a peasant you have no idea what your on about!
Benard (Ην. Βασίλειο):
damn ur the only gay albanian i heard in all my life . you better not tell albanians ur gay to their face esp your family lol. bein gay means theres something wrong with you lol
Asimakis (Ελλάδα):
In Greece young male Albanians hang around in parks and squares waiting for their clients: old bald men passing by in cars and buying them for some euros. The fact every Albanian is a future male/female prostitute has been known us since Albanians first arrived here in the 90s.
Prog (ΗΠΑ):
A greek is talking about gays. OHH THE IRONY
Dipsasmenos (Ελλάδα):
I experienced the narrow mindedness of Albanian upbringing in a gay situation unfortunately.I am a married man living in Greece ,my wife knows about me and has accepted the situation .I met a wonderful Albanian man who had never been loved in his life.He had sex with his wife as a way not to have her suspect about him.When he met me he made LOVE for the first time in his life.It was six glorious months but at the same time full of uncertainty because he was scared to death of what might happen if she were to discover him,the implications back home ,the accompanying stigma.He was worrried that they would deport him from Greece !!!!! that his wife would take his kids and go back .It was a nightmare for me but I loved him ,and still do.When she did discover she started making his life a living hell dropping innuendos at first and then coming straight out and saying that she was appalled that he would have a male lover .The bad thing is that because he was petrified to tell her anything I came out the bad guy even though he had had trysts with other men before.Eventually she put the knife to his throat and gave him an ultimatum...it's him or me .The poor sweet man had no choice but to leave me,the only person who ever loved him.I feel miserable but mostly for him.He will have to go through life in a hellish situation because he's been brought up to dread his identity.I feel so frustrated and so helpless when I consider what all these regimes have done to human souls...it's a castration of the soul if you ask me and it's really a shame to be living in such circumstances in the 21st century
It's incredible how much bigotry there is in the world.I find it extremely terrifying to see you guys fighting in here and especially those trying to prove (???)that there is no homosexuality among Albanians !!!If anyone says that then surely he must be "an agent of some mysterious power set to undermine the glorious Albanian nation".We are all PEOPLE, people living on this patch of the earth,with all the qualities and vices that human beings have.Let me tell you that my Albanian lover was nothing special as a lover because he had been taught that it's a sin,a crime to love another man.But his heart cried out for me,his flesh responded to my flesh,his tears on our goodbye were genuine tears of a tormented soul who had to choose between what is "right"and what he desires.I feel sorry for all those pathetic little people who are so blind to the truth that they will distort it like no communist regime would even dare to

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Gay Albanians- Are we ever going to come out of...

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