

"Straight Guys," a short documentary about straight performers in gay pornography.
“Straight-Guy Porn” is a wildly popular subgenre of online amateur pornography that features supposedly heterosexual men having sex with other men for a gay male audience. Why do some gay men prefer to watch sex between two heterosexual men? Where does this desire come from? Is it innate or is it learned? And why would men who identify as straight choose to perform in gay porn? Straight Guys follows filmmaker Daniel Laurin on his journey to answer these questions and reconcile his own relationship to this type of pornography. Daniel speaks to porn historians, porn theorists, porn producers and the performers themselves.
Straight Guys is a lighthearted look at a very real and pressing set of questions. As children and teenagers get more and more of their information from the Internet, pornography has become an increasingly prevalent source of sexual education. It is an even more influential resource for gay/bisexual/questioning teens, who have very few examples of gay sexuality in mainstream media. This film uses Straight-Guy Porn as an entry point into deeper questions about gay desire in a very straight world.

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Ξενικός είπε...

γενικότερα, στο ευρύτατο πεδίο των ηδονών πολύ λίγα πράγματα είναι ξεκάθαρα αποκλειστικά μαύρα ή άσπρα. Δεν έχει νόημα να μαντεύουμε ποσοστά αλλά μπορώ κάλλιστα να φανταστώ πως η μέγιστη πλειοψηφία των ανθρώπων ερεθίζονται, σε διάφορους βαθμούς, ΚΑΙ από το δικό τους φύλο...