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'Sex, Love And Homophobia'
New Amnesty International Book on Sexuality and Human Rights
As people continue to be arrested, imprisoned and even killed because of their sexuality, and less than a month after the murder of Brian Williamson, Jamaica's best known gay rights activist, Amnesty International is publishing a book which tackles the complex issues behind homophobia.
The 150-page book explores attitudes towards and laws on sexuality around the world in 26 easy-to-read A to Z entries. It is objective, clear and vividly illustrated throughout, and is packed with personal stories.
In its foreword Archbishop Desmond Tutu says:
"This book illuminates anew the bleak wasteland that is prejudice. It illuminates more clearly than ever that a loving, understanding humanity is sustained by justice. Sex, Love and Homophobia is a bright light on the path to justice."
'Sex, Love and Homophobia' is the second book in Amnesty International's Human Rights Issues series. It brings to light the hidden history of homosexuality, how it is regarded by different faiths, and the violent persecution of lesbian and gay people around the world. It is aimed at 16-year-olds and upwards, regardless of their sexual orientation, and provides a general introduction to the complex issues of sexuality and homophobia.
The book will be launched by Grayson Perry, Turner Prize winner, who comments:
"Here is a book that neither sensationalises nor pathologises the behaviour of people with a minority sexual orientation, a book that is very accessible to young people and is also a moving and serious document of the history, culture and politics of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered world of which I am proud to play a small part."

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