

American Circumcision the controversial documentary by director Brendon Marotta is available on Netflix. In the film, director Marotta questions why the surgery is routinely done on infants in the U.S. and its ramifications.
Marotta told Towleroad that the “routine surgery” done on infants leads to a particular kind of PTSD that may contribute to what we refer to as “toxic masculinity” now. According to Marotta, “Even the most pro-circumcision doctor in our film admits the pain from circumcision creates a lasting change in behavior that has been scientifically proven. Change in behavior is a form of memory, what in this case is known as somatic memory.”
Marotta continues, “When it comes to toxic masculinity or rape culture, one of our interview subjects notes that circumcision teaches men that if you are bigger and stronger than someone else, you get to do what you want to their body. It teaches this in their first shared sexual experience, the first time someone else touches their genitals, and in the relationship all other relationships will be patterned on, their relationship with their mother.”
Marotta understands that some people might have some resistance to this information and underscores his point by adding, “Imagine a friend told you when he was an infant, his parents paid someone to cut off his pinky finger without anesthesia. Would it be hard to accept this experience was formative in some way? If he told you he felt he had lasting trauma, would you believe him? Which is more personal — a finger or the penis?” […] (towleroad.com, 12/2018)

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