Κάπου στην επαρχία της χώρας των Βάσκων ο Αντέρ ζει μία μάλλον βαρετή ζωή μοιρασμένη στη δουλειά του, την αδελφή του και τη μητέρα του η οποία αρνείται να μιλήσει ισπανικά. Eνα ατύχημα θα τον καθηλώσει στο κρεβάτι για λίγο καιρό και θα φέρει στο σπίτι τον Περουβιανό Χοσέ ο οποίος θα αναλάβει χρέη αποκλειστικού νοσοκόμου. Η παρουσία του Χοσέ θα αλλάξει την καθημερινότητα του και σύντομα ο Αντέρ θα χρειαστεί να πάρει μία πολύ σοβαρή απόφαση που θα επηρεάσει την υπόλοιπη ζωή του.
“Ander” is an initiative of Berdindu, a Service of the Department of Housing and Social Affair’s of the Basque Government that works with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual and Intersexual people. The objectives that Berdindu pursues with the movie are:
a- to improve the social inclusion and participation of GLBTI population and their public image in the Basque country.
b- to rise the self esteem of the GLBTI community, especially of the youth.
c- to promote the GLBT culture in the Basque country and other places.
d- to set the basis for the mutual understanding of GLBT and heterosexual people by the promotion of the core values of collaboration, respect, inclusion and diversity.
e- to create a cultural area that fosters cinematographic productions with focus in social issues.
f- to promote the Basque language.
g- to contribute to the cinematographic production in the Basque country. (www.ander.com.es/ )
“Ander” is an initiative of Berdindu, a Service of the Department of Housing and Social Affair’s of the Basque Government that works with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual and Intersexual people. The objectives that Berdindu pursues with the movie are:
a- to improve the social inclusion and participation of GLBTI population and their public image in the Basque country.
b- to rise the self esteem of the GLBTI community, especially of the youth.
c- to promote the GLBT culture in the Basque country and other places.
d- to set the basis for the mutual understanding of GLBT and heterosexual people by the promotion of the core values of collaboration, respect, inclusion and diversity.
e- to create a cultural area that fosters cinematographic productions with focus in social issues.
f- to promote the Basque language.
g- to contribute to the cinematographic production in the Basque country. (www.ander.com.es/ )
το έχω δει "έξω". το ander είναι απλά μια από τις καλύτερες ταινίες της χρονιάς.