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Antony Crossfield ( Ην. Βασίλειο)

2 σχόλια:

  1. Antony Crossfield

    Through my photography I seek to challenge traditional ideas of therelationship between self and the body. I am trying to present vision of the subject as fundamentally embodied whilst raising questions as to theclosure and integrity of the self. I wish to present the body not as a protective envelope that defines and unifies our limits, but as an organof physical and psychical interchange between bodies- a kind of inter-subjectivity that produces identity. In my work the body is presented as unstable, ambiguous, fluid, and constantly in flux. I am hoping to highlight how our experience of the body is always already mediated by our continual interactions with other human and non-human bodies. To draw attention to the invisible forces of culture and psychology that shape and reshape the body.

    Photography is a particularly appropriate medium for my purposes given its historical associations and recent digital transformation. Photography once appeared to provide us with causally generated ‘truthful’ records of things in the world. In the digital age this definition of photography has collapsed, yet the belief in the photograph as a faithful record of reality stubbornly persists. I’m interested in exploiting this discrepancy to interrogate conceptions of identity and to challenge photography’s supposed indexical correspondence to the world.

    Taken from several points of view, composed of multiple shots, compressing several instances into a single frame, they are compositions of unified fragments. The images are constructed in a manner closer to the manual labour of painting.

    Ultimately I’m interested in the synthesis of a variety of apparently contradictory dichotomies: mind and body, nature and culture, inside and outside, painting and photography, fiction and reality, and I try to collapse these distinctions into each other.

    (ambre uk)

  2. χεχε.......πολύ μπερδεμένα τα βλέπω αυτά. Αυτός ο φωτογράφος έχει κάνει ωραία τέχνη.

    Gaym boy
