Big gay love
Big gay love
Polyamorous relationships are not news to the many gay men with multiple long-term partners. How do they fit in to our fight for visibility?
By Greg Hernandez (The Advocate June 6, 2006)
When Pete Chvany feels like kissing his partner Alan Hamilton on the front lawn of their home in Somerville, Mass., he doesn’t really care what the neighbors think. And he doesn’t mind if Hamilton then gives a kiss to his wife of 22 years, Pepper Greene, or to Hamilton’s other male partner, Woody Glenn.
“Anyone who’s watching is getting an eyeful,” says Chvany, who has been involved in the polyamorous relationship for nine years. “We are out to people in our neighborhood. In effect, Alan has three partners, and we are all his family.”
The quartet are among an unknown number of people in the gay and lesbian population who are in a relationship with more than one partner, something of a queer version of HBO’s new hit drama series Big Love, in which one man has three wives who all live on the same property and vie for his time and attention. As Big Love brings the issue of polygamy back into the American conversation, polyamorous relationships among gay people (which have long existed) have also become the subject of much debate. “I’m certainly aware that there are people out there who would try and turn us into a negative example of ‘Look where things are going,’ ” Chvany acknowledges.
It’s a prospect that worries San Diego trio Dale Dubach, Chaz Weathers, and John Osgood. They hope their relationship and others like it—gay or straight—won’t be used by same-sex marriage opponents to cloud the issue. “We’re as married as we could be,” Weathers says. “We all have rings and are committed to each other and have a day that we celebrate our anniversary. Dale and I had a ceremony years ago, but we’ve never had a ceremony for the three of us. That would just open such a can of worms.”
Indeed, polyamory has already become part of the “slippery slope” argument commonly used by the far right. “The push for the legalization of homosexual marriage is not only going to normalize what has long been known to be sexual perversion and a disease-ridden lifestyle, but it will open up the floodgates to an effort to legalize polygamy and polyamory [group marriages],” reads a recent article posted on the Web site of the antigay Christian group Traditional Values Coalition.
“There is a feeling of not wanting to allow the right wing to change the subject from the question that is really being asked, which is, What reason does the government have for denying committed same-sex couples the legal commitment of marriage?” says Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry, which seeks equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. “Because the Right doesn’t have the answer to that question, they are eager to change the subject.”
While there are grassroots efforts by straight people to legalize polygamy, there has been no noteworthy effort by LGBT activists to bring polyamory into the fight for marriage equality. “We’ve been very involved in work for same-sex marriage rights,” says Chvany. “Even if we aren’t interested in using them ourselves, they are important to our community as a whole and to people we care about.” Indeed, the other gay polyamorous families interviewed for this story agreed. It’s hard enough fighting for acceptance from family members and friends, they say, without having to ask for legal recognition from the government. The families interviewed for this story all live under the same roof, and most share the same bed. They commingle their finances, own property together, and have given each other power of attorney in most cases. Most live openly in their communities, but there are some people in the relationships who have avoided telling their families that they have more than one partner.
When Pete Chvany feels like kissing his partner Alan Hamilton on the front lawn of their home in Somerville, Mass., he doesn’t really care what the neighbors think. And he doesn’t mind if Hamilton then gives a kiss to his wife of 22 years, Pepper Greene, or to Hamilton’s other male partner, Woody Glenn.
“Anyone who’s watching is getting an eyeful,” says Chvany, who has been involved in the polyamorous relationship for nine years. “We are out to people in our neighborhood. In effect, Alan has three partners, and we are all his family.”
The quartet are among an unknown number of people in the gay and lesbian population who are in a relationship with more than one partner, something of a queer version of HBO’s new hit drama series Big Love, in which one man has three wives who all live on the same property and vie for his time and attention. As Big Love brings the issue of polygamy back into the American conversation, polyamorous relationships among gay people (which have long existed) have also become the subject of much debate. “I’m certainly aware that there are people out there who would try and turn us into a negative example of ‘Look where things are going,’ ” Chvany acknowledges.
It’s a prospect that worries San Diego trio Dale Dubach, Chaz Weathers, and John Osgood. They hope their relationship and others like it—gay or straight—won’t be used by same-sex marriage opponents to cloud the issue. “We’re as married as we could be,” Weathers says. “We all have rings and are committed to each other and have a day that we celebrate our anniversary. Dale and I had a ceremony years ago, but we’ve never had a ceremony for the three of us. That would just open such a can of worms.”
Indeed, polyamory has already become part of the “slippery slope” argument commonly used by the far right. “The push for the legalization of homosexual marriage is not only going to normalize what has long been known to be sexual perversion and a disease-ridden lifestyle, but it will open up the floodgates to an effort to legalize polygamy and polyamory [group marriages],” reads a recent article posted on the Web site of the antigay Christian group Traditional Values Coalition.
“There is a feeling of not wanting to allow the right wing to change the subject from the question that is really being asked, which is, What reason does the government have for denying committed same-sex couples the legal commitment of marriage?” says Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry, which seeks equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. “Because the Right doesn’t have the answer to that question, they are eager to change the subject.”
While there are grassroots efforts by straight people to legalize polygamy, there has been no noteworthy effort by LGBT activists to bring polyamory into the fight for marriage equality. “We’ve been very involved in work for same-sex marriage rights,” says Chvany. “Even if we aren’t interested in using them ourselves, they are important to our community as a whole and to people we care about.” Indeed, the other gay polyamorous families interviewed for this story agreed. It’s hard enough fighting for acceptance from family members and friends, they say, without having to ask for legal recognition from the government. The families interviewed for this story all live under the same roof, and most share the same bed. They commingle their finances, own property together, and have given each other power of attorney in most cases. Most live openly in their communities, but there are some people in the relationships who have avoided telling their families that they have more than one partner.
Αν κατάλαβα καλά, τώρα που το gay κίνημα κατάφερε επιτέλους να αναγνωρισθεί θεσμικά η συμβίωση μεταξύ δύο ομοφυλοφίλων και η γονεϊκή τους δυνατότητα, το Αdvocate μάς προτείνει (εμμέσως;) και την θεσμική αναγνώριση μεταξύ ομάδων ανθρώπων, την οποία ονομάζει "οικογένεια". Aναρωτιέμαι ποιο είναι το κατώτατο και ποιο το ανώτερο όριο των ανθρώπων που θα ξεκινούν μια τέτοια ""οικογένεια"". 3, 4, 5, 35, 82, 3000; Και ποιο θα ήταν το είδος της σχέσης μεταξύ των παιδιών και των πολλαπλών αδελφών ή "γονέων"; Μήπως θα ήταν καλύτερα να αναφερόταν το άρθρο σε πολυγαμική κοινότητα και όχι σε οικογένεια; Αλλά τέτοιες υπάρχουν ήδη και λειτουργούν με την μορφή κοινοτήτων, κοινοβίων ή ιδρυμάτων, οπότε το μόνο νέο που προτείνεται είναι η θεσμική αναγνώριση της παρτούζας. Ως αίτημα, κατά τον επιεικέστερο χαρακτηρισμό θυμίζει "παντεσπάνι".
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΠέρα από αυτό όμως που είναι μια μεγάλη συζήτηση, η ταυτόχρονη προβολή άνισων ως προς τη σοβαρότητά τους αιτημάτων δεν είναι μόνον λανθασμένη ενέργεια αλλά και ύποπτη. Δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που το Advocate μαξιμαλίζει. Κι αυτό είναι κάτι που οι ιδιοτελείς πάτρωνες όλων των κινημάτων το συνηθίζουν για ευνόητους λόγους. Και όσο αυτό παρατηρείται σε κινήματα που τα μέλη τους έχουν εξασφαλίσει τα βασικά ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα μπορούμε να πούμε ότι δεν διακινδυνεύουν να χάσουν τίποτα σπουδαίο εξ αιτίας αυτού ακριβώς του μαξιμαλισμού που είναι ο σοβαρότερος λόγος για την αναβολή, την παραπομπή στις καλένδες ή – το χειρότερο - την αποτυχία της επίτευξης των στόχων τους.
Έτσι λοιπόν, αν υπάρχουν κάποιοι που θέλουν να προβάλλουν αμφισβητούμενες αξιώσεις, ας τις αφήσουν για κάποιες ομαδούλες ετεροφυλοφίλων που βαρέθηκαν να απολαμβάνουν τα δικαιώματά τους και ψάχνουν να βρουν πώς θα περάσουν την ώρα τους, πώς θα ξεπεράσουν την ανία τους λόγω έλλειψης άλλων ενδιαφερόντων ή πώς θα διοχετεύσουν σε δήθεν ακτιβισμό την όποια προβληματικότητά τους. Αν, μετά από 22 χρόνια ετεροφυλοφιλικής συμβίωσης, ο Hamilton βαρέθηκε την Pepper και θέλει να κάνει οικογένεια και με τον Salt και με την Carry και με τον Tobasco και με τους 300 του Λεωνίδα, δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί πρέπει να προβληματίζονται οι πολίτες. Αν το Advocate θέλει να είναι αξιόπιστο, ας ασχοληθεί με τα πραγματικά προβλήματα των ομοφυλοφίλων. {έτσι κι αλλιώς πάντα θα εισπράττει τα έσοδα από τη διαφήμιση της πράσινης κάρτας)
Όταν τέτοιου είδους """αιτήματα""", όπως είναι αυτό της θεσμικής αναγνώρισης της πολυγαμικής συμβίωσης, ενσωματώνονται και προβάλλονται από κινήματα που τα μέλη τους στερούνται τα βασικά ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και όταν δεν υπάρχουν ή δεν έχουν ενεργοποιηθεί οι νόμοι κατά των διακρίσεων, τότε ας μην αναρωτιόμαστε για την αναποτελεσματικότητα των προσπαθειών τους να διεκδικήσουν όσα τους αποστερούνται. Οι πάτρωνες των κινημάτων -χειριστές, καλύτερα, της ανθρώπινης αγωνίας- ξέρουν πολύ καλά ότι όσοι κρατούν στα χέρια τους τη λύση για όλες τις ανισότητες και τις αδικίες, ψάχνουν απεγνωσμένα για αφορμές που θα τους χρησιμεύσουν ως προσχήματα για να τις διατηρήσουν. Το σημαντικότερο εργαλείο τους για να μην πράξουν ό,τι οφείλουν, είναι η επίκληση της λεγόμενης "κοινής γνώμης". Με την πρόθυμη αρωγή όσων ΜΜΕ επιδίδονται στο σπορ, φροντίζουν να ενισχύουν τον συντηρητισμό της με πληροφορίες για ψευδοαιτήματα γκρουπούσκουλων, όπως είναι η θεσμική αναγνώριση πολυγαμικών συμβιώσεων και άλλων ομοίας "σοβαρότητας", υποβαθμίζοντας σκοπίμως τα δίκαια και ζωτικά αιτήματα μεγάλων κοινωνικών ομάδων, όπως είναι η θεσμική αναγνώριση της συμβίωσης μεταξύ δύο ομοφυλοφίλων. Μετατοπίζουν έντεχνα τις συζητήσεις γύρω από τα καυτά θέματα για τη ζωή τόσων ανθρώπων, ώστε να απαλλάσονται από τις ευθύνες τους και να χρησιμοποιούν την καραμέλα της "ανέτοιμης κοινωνίας" που, δυστυχώς, καταπίνεται αμάσητη από την πλειοψηφία.