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British Schools Ordered To Step Up Anti-Gay Harassment Measures
365 Gay.com - 29 Dec 06
The British government has told schools beef up their protections for LGBT students. In an advisory sent to all schools across the UK the government has warned principals that turning a blind eye to homophobia will not be tolerated.
The advisory said that students who taunt gays need to be disciplined and that if detentions and suspensions do not work police should be called in to deal with the problem. It also reminds schools that homophobia is a crime.
“The seriousness of using homophobic language is not fully appreciated in schools," the advisory said.
“Whilst it is probably made clear to pupils that the use of racist language is unacceptable, the same is not true for use of homophobic language.”
The measure also directs schools to hold LGBT awareness months.
It further suggests that schools set up online reporting systems to allow pupils and parents to make referrals direct if they feel the school is not taking the issue seriously."
The advisory is the result of a series of projects sponsored by the Home Office around England and Wales which heard repeated complaints that schools were not doing enough to combat bullying.
Two so-called traditional values groups were critical of the suggested use of criminal action against students.
“Most sensible people will think this goes beyond the boundaries of common sense," said Nick Seaton, chair of the Campaign for Real Education.
“Youngsters have always used insulting language with their friends and it is perfectly normal.”
National Family Campaign spokesperson Hugh McKinney said, “No one would condone homophobic discrimination, but there has to be some common sense. It is time balance was brought back to the debate.”
The directive comes a day after companies warned they must test every worker on LGBT issues for run the risk of being hauled into court on discrimination charges.

4 σχόλια:

  1. Όπως ξέρουμε στη Βρετανία η ομοφυλοφιλία ως το 1967 ήταν ποινικό αδίκημα - οι γκέι πήγαιναν στη φυλακή αν συλλαμβάνονταν "στα πράσα". 40 χρόνια μετά, η ομοφυλοφοβία είναι έγκλημα... Φανταστείτε τι θα γίνεται σε λίγα χρόνια - ίσως οι "ντουλάπες" να είναι παντελώς άχρηστες. Το γκέι κίνημα θα πρέπει ήδη να σκέφτεται σοβαρά την "επόμενη μέρα"...

    Υ.Γ.: Στα ελληνικά σχολεία τι γίνεται; Μπορεί να μας πει κάποιος;

  2. oi...

    na verdade não entendi nada do que está escrito aqui... mas como uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras e adoreis algumas imagens daqui...

    sou brasileira e tenho um blog também... na verdade temos, o blog é meu e da minha namorada.


  3. alex a:Να δεις που σε λίγο καιρό οι βρετανοί θα πουλούν τις "ντουλάπες" τους για αντίκες στην Ελλάδα.
    Όσο για το τι γίνεται στα ελληνικά σχολεία... Τι ρωτάς κι εσύ τώρα !
    kris: Fiquei imensamente feliz em receber a sua visita.
    Tem um blog muito interesante. O tenho incluido na minha lista dos favoritos.

  4. e a expressão popular aqui no brasil "tá falando grego" procede.

